
“Biomimicry” - looking to nature for innovation inspiration.

An Elephant can grown to be 100 times larger than the average human. This means that it has 100 times more cells. Like our cells, each one is at risk of becoming cancerous. So you would expect elephants to have cancer more often than we do as humans. But in reality, elephants rarely ever get cancer. Researchers are now studying why that is the case.

This is the power of biomimicry. We have plenty of tools for fighting cancer, but what if we could just prevent it? Often times nature has the solution to the problems we’re looking to solve.

And so it is with Snake Sox. What if we could draw inspiration from nature to help us create the best snake gaiters for hiking? Where might those solutions exist? More to come, but here’s a teaser: ever heard of a Pangolin? It may be the cutest animal you’ve never met.

Andrew S.